Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Midterm Review Video

This is a compilation of the videos I presented as part of my midterm thesis studio review. The project is a renovation of and addition to the currently decrepit Joy Theater on Canal Street in New Orleans.  The pace of the video may be a bit sedate without my captivating verbal presentation to accompany it, but I still think that it's entertaining and accurately illustrates the current progress of both the product and the development of the method that my thesis research suggested.  What do you think?  What avenues should I push and which should I abandon?

These videos were created using SketchUp, Hammer (with the Portal engine), iStopMotion, iMovieHD, After Effects, and my tried and true stop-motion techniques.

Most of the ambient sound effects are from, and the audio film clips are from Casablanca and Dead Man, respectively.