Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thesis Meeting Over Break!!!!

Hi guys,

I've been reading the links that everyone has posted and they are all really helpful, so I encourage people to check out Alissa's link about thesis typologies and Eric's about thesis defense.

Anyway, I know a fair amount of people will be in town this Sunday (I will!), so I think it would be great to have a meeting, especially as our final document is due the 2nd. Also, people should post about what they're having trouble with on their papers so that we can still keep in touch and keep our brains at work even over thanksgiving.

So, next meeting:

6027 S. Robertson St.
3:00 p.m.?! (comment if you think it should be earlier or later! we thought people were less likely to be stressed during the day)

I'm assuming, but there's a pretty good chance of turkey day leftovers being served.

I'll also be e-mailing this out, but as always, invite anyone who may be interested.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

For TJ!

An interesting project for TJ, or anyone interested in theater and urban circulation:

Thesis Typologies

For those of us who are pondering the bigger thesis picture, the following link breaks down the typologies of the architecture thesis approach, which may help formalize the argument:


New Meeting

This is late notice but I thought we could have a short thesis meeting today. It'll be really quick since we don't have a new assignment, but since most of us (aka everyone but Jen) didn't have our presentations done for the last meeting, it will be good to catch up and quickly see what everyone presented.

Also, Jen and I have been thinking about approaching Dean Gamard about pushing back the date for the thesis paper, which is the 2nd of December. We think that since the studio date was pushed up so drastically, we should have a more meaningful amount of time without studio to write the thesis paper. The schedule right now would mean we only have the week after Thanksgiving. If we could get the date pushed back to the 8th it would give us a lot more time to work on the paper and the visuals. If everyone weighs in at this meeting and seems on board with this idea we'd have a lot more credibility. So it's important for everyone to try to show up for a little bit. PLUS sarah and I got 5 layer dip (guac! refried beans! sour cream!!)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thesis Peer Review Meeting 11-07-2010

Here are some images from our most recent thesis peer review meeting.  We'll be posting some of the graphics we discussed as well as a link to Eric's video.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Cool Site

I don't know if you guys know of this site, but the blog infosthetics is brainfood if you are stuck.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

More site analysis drawings

Our studio professor, Abigail Feldman, recommended some great examples of graphic analysis earlier this semester.  I'm posting some of her examples and I've also found some more good examples on the web, especially by landscape architect James Corner.

Here is one of his drawings, titled "Rail Networks":

I got it off of this blog post which I highly recommend skimming, it has some amazing graphics:  http://fluxwurx.com/jstudio/?p=32
Here are two more Corner graphics:

This wildlife diagram for the High Line reminds me of what we were talking about regarding Will's thesis:

This link to the American Society of Landscape Architects' student awards also contains a lot of graphic creativity:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Follow Blog For Updates!

If you want to get updates sent to your e-mail, you should click on the link at the bottom that says "Follow." This way you won't have to constantly check the blog on your own (which I'm sure you guys are doing obsessively).

Analytical Drawing Examples

Professor Gamard showed us some great examples of analytical drawings from a studio on wharf structures/mechanisms that she led in the past.

Alissa, Eric pointed out that some of these would probably be super useful for you! Sorry the quality is poor in some cases, but I'm sure Gamard would be happy to let anyone see the originals (the worst culprits in terms of image quality were on mylar, so it was hard to get good scans).

Next Meeting!

We'll meet up next Sunday at 5:00 p.m. at 6027 S. Robertson St. It is two blocks east of Calhoun, one block lakeside of Freret St. Call Jen Gaugler, me (Eva), or Sarah Rinehart for directions if you get lost!

Refreshments provided for the advancement of civil discourse.

Jen and I thought it would be good if this was more of a pin-up style meeting. We'll still read each other's papers, but now is a good time to start talking about what we are all doing for the visuals (site diagrams, etc) that we're turning in for the next assignment.

Try to come, it's cool, we swear!
This is a blog for our weekly thesis peer group meetings. This blog is meant as a tool for us to share information between ourselves. So any interesting books or links you run across can be posted here. Also, every week after our meetings we'll update the blog with examples of good writing, visuals, and interesting commentary we see or hear during the meetings.